Charm Symbolism
There are symbolic meanings for almost everything, and they vary between different cultures and nationalities. See below for the charms we use in our jewelry and their relative meanings.
Anchor - hope, security, stability, grounding
Arrow – protection of life, power, peace
Arrowhead – spiritual connection with nature, alertness
Axe – truth, wisdom, strength, mankind
Bear – protector, courage, physical strength, leadership
Bear Claw – strength, resilience
Bird – freedom, perspective
Butterfly – souls, transformation, a new beginning, love, joy
Circle – spiritual, sacred in nature, wholeness, original perfection, the Self, eternity
Deer Antler – pure spirit, gentle, instincts, enticing lure of new adventures
Dream Catcher – good dreams pass through the web while nightmares get trapped
Eagle Wing – pure spirit, view the world from a new higher perspective
Elk Antler – stamina, dignity, integrity, nobility, vision of fulfilment
Feather – freedom, spirituality, wisdom, strength, trust and honor
Fern – life, magic, fascination, confidence, secret bond of love
Flower – love, friendship, affection, accomplishment, sympathy
Heart – affection, love
Horse Shoe – luck, protection
Key – knowledge, mystery, initiation, spiritual power
Lady Bug – protection, healing, good fortune, grace
Leaf – growth, rebirth
Lotus – purity of the body, speech and mind, beauty, rebirth
Mandala (circle with geometric design) - used in various traditions as a spiritual guidance tool for establishing a sacred space and as an aid to meditation.
Moon – mystery, emotion, immortality, winter and coolness
Om – the sound of the sacred spiritual symbol in Indic Religions used for meditation. Connect with your inner self and the entirety of the universe.
Owl – an old soul, keeper of ancient wisdom, can feel events before they happen
Peace – harmony, love for all
Pine Cone – grounding, Earths energy, enlightenment, eternal life
Spike – heightened concentration
Spiral – the consciousness of nature starting from the center and expanding outward; life, creation, birth, rebirth, evolution, awareness, growth
Square – the physical world, indicates north-east-south-west
Star – humanity, divinity, hope, faith, guidance, god, excellence, motivation, magic, fame, and life
Sun – strength, power, wisdom, authority, summer and heat
Tree / Forest – strength, adaptability, courage, endurance, immortality, enlightenment
Tree Of Life – connection to Mother Earth, knowledge, wisdom and insight within one's self
Triangle – mountains / triad that makes all existence possible (father, mother, child) / perfectness, unity and importance (the strongest unit)
Vine – connection, eternity, diversity, regeneration, opportunity, fertility
Wishbone – to make a wish, good luck